Been away for awhile, been cooking up some really neat stuff!

We started doing some NES Reproductions and have decided to make the service public! I think from the second we made our first repro (Earthbound Zero) we were hooked, I mean how cool is it to play prototypes and translations on the actual hardware?! Yes, emulators are great and they do a very good job but let's be honest, there is nothing like the real thing, sitting down with an old NES and a shitty TV and going to town.
Anyways, if you are interested in what we are up to visit us at, or email

Since we have been asked a million times, yes we do plan on doing SNES and Genesis, we just have to recoup some of the cost of all the materials we've purchased by making some NES ones.
We are also offering some gaming related items like coasters, a NES cartridge housing a wireless router and things like that.
We will still be updating the blog with new products and anything else wacky we are messing around with at any given time.